Thursday, January 30, 2020

Teeth bleaching cost

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How much does it cost to professionally whiten teeth? Can whitening products really damage your teeth? Is it dangerous to use household bleach to whiten your teeth? Does led teeth whitening really work?

The teeth may whiten by as few as two to three shades or as many as eight (out of a total of 16). Part of the whitening effect is due to dehydration during the bleaching process, which makes the teeth look whiter than their true new color. That color will emerge after a couple of days.

Knowing exactly how much laser teeth whitening costs is no easy task. Estimates peg it anywhere between $4and $50 which is a pretty broad range. Gerilyn Alfe, a Chicago dentist, likens teeth bleaching to visiting a personal trainer—you can’t completely erase years of damage in one session, and you also can’t expect one session to prevent things from going south again in the future.

Tray-based tooth bleaching systems. With this teeth whitening option, a mouth guard-like tray is filled with a peroxide-based bleaching gel or paste and placed over the teeth for one to several. The cheapest and most convenient of the teeth whitening options, over-the-counter bleaching involves the use of a store-bought whitening kit, featuring a bleaching gel with a concentration lower than that of the professionally dispensed take-home whiteners. The gel is applied to the teeth via one-size-fits-all trays, strips or paint-on applicators.

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Cost in-office teeth whitening. In one short and convenient appointment, you can have white teeth that will make you feel and look great. Professional teeth whitening service in our plantation dental office is done by using a potent bleaching.

Keep in mind that the best teeth whitening treatment can also involve other teeth cleaning or post-whitening dental procedures that the dentist will recommend – all of which can contribute to the final cost. But in-office teeth whitening (often called chairside bleaching ) is one of the safest and most effective whitening methods there is. There are two types of professional teeth whitening that cosmetic dentists offer their patients. One is take home tray bleaching , where the dentist makes custom trays that deliver the bleaching gel onto the teeth for a period of min to all night, depending on which type of bleaching gel the dentist feels will give you the best result.

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Your dentist can adjust the treatment by changing the level of the bleaching agent used. If he uses a higher level your teeth will be much whiter. If you are looking for just a small change he can use a lower level. Deep stains can be removed with a professional procedure.

Thankfully, many stains that accumulate over time from coffee, tea, soda, wine and tobacco products can be reduced or even eliminated with teeth whitening. When you work with your Aspen Dental team, you can learn more about options, likely outcomes and how the cost of teeth whitening can fit into your oral health budget. Many dentists use different techniques and products, but usually, the procedure’s steps are similar. Chairside bleaching – This is the most common technique used for professional bleaching of your teeth.

The fee shown is per arch, meaning either your top or bottom teeth. The price for bleaching all of your teeth would be twice the fee shown above. As a cost -cutting measure, you might choose to just bleach your upper teeth (single-arch treatment). Choosing this option is common. You can always bleach your second arch at a later date.

CostHelper readers report paying $80-$17 or an average cost of $1for just a routine cleaning. Frequently a teeth cleaning appointment will also include dental X-rays and an exam by the dentist.

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